Behavioral Therapy (ABA)

Preschool and Kindergarten

Elementary School

Junior High and High School

About Us


Dominicus International Academy (DIA) offers a personalized, practical, and enriching bilingual experience. Our holistic educational approach encompasses a wide range of classes, including yoga, art, music, theatre, STEAM, horticulture, and more, all of which uphold the highest standards of international education. Our programs are exclusively designed for each student to help them develop their skills and abilities to their fullest potential, guided by our core values, a connection to nature, and a focus on mindfulness.

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Our classrooms are equipped with Montessori style layouts but have a variety of pedagogic materials arranged in topic areas such as math, social sciences, language arts, functional living, sensory, and art. We have a designated art area where we encourage students to be creative by exploring various mediums and projects. Throughout the week we offer a variety of elective classes such as art, science, music, P.E, yoga, dance, and cooking.

Our Blogs


By teaching children meditation and mindfulness skills we help them increase their well-being and enable them to meet the stresses of the world with presence, self-compassion, and openness.

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Inquiry-Based Learning

It’s about triggering curiosity. And activating a student’s curiosity is, I would argue, a far more important and complex goal than mere information delivery.

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